Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Blog Number 7 - People Who Act Like Jerks

I will never understand why people act like jerks, just for the hell of it. Do they get some sort of gratification from being mean to other people? Do they feel like a bigger person? If someone knows the answer to this, I'd really like to know.

And it's not all jerks that bother me, it's the ones that KNOW full well that they are being a jerk and continue to do it anyway because they think it's 'funny.' I encounter jerks on a regular basis at work and it doesn't bother me, unless they are unusually jerky. But what really bothers me is the jerks that cross the line. They know they are crossing the line (well at least I HOPE they know they are) but they don't care because they think they are funny and that everyone is laughing.

But in reality, no one is laughing and all they are doing is shaking their head at you because you are being a jerk. Now maybe I encourage the behaviour because I don't respond back to the jerk once they have said something that crossed the line, but I'd rather not stoop to their level. I know I'm the bigger person.

The other type of jerk that bothers me is the person who says they are on your side, but when a situation arises, they say something that makes them look good and they don't defend you at all. I think it's just a really assy thing to do. And I'm sure we've all (me included) done it at one point of our lives, but there are some people who do it on a regular basis.

I don't know, maybe I just have to learn to deal with it a little better and just not allow these people to be a part of my life. Or, if I have no choice, just keep them at an arms length and that way I can avoid their jerkiness.