Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Blog Number 6 - Working with people.

It's been a while since I've written anything. I've been wanting to write something, but I just couldn't think of anything significant (not that this is a significant blog) to write about. Work has been pretty busy lately and I'm still alive and kicking so things aren't bad.

Tomorrow is my birthday. As much as I know getting older (and wiser) is a part of life and you are only as old as you feel, but I hate getting older. I'm not a big fan of my birthday either, but what can I do? It comes once a year and the day before I'm usually pretty bitchy to everyone. Once tomorrow is over everything will be fine and all will be right in the world again.

So, work. Now, I should start by saying that I don't go to my job to be friends with everyone, I'm not 5 and I know that it's not going to happen. There will be people that I don't like, and people that dislike me. If I make some good friends that's awesome, if not, oh well.

What I don't like, is when people run their mouths to anyone and everyone. I swear, I feel like I'm back in high school. If I hear one more person complain that so and so doesn't like them, I might just rip my ears off. I can usually ignore it, but when you have to hear about it every day you start to get mad. People need to realize that not everyone is going to like them and move on. It's a part of life.

Another thing that bothers me, is when people say that I don't do anything all day. I work really hard to get ALL the stuff on my list done. If I stop for FIVE minutes, the so what? The thing that really bothers me about it though, is that the people that complain don't even know what I do all day. I would LOVE to see them do my job for ONE day and then come back and tell me I don't do anything.

Maybe I should start writing down everything I do and writing the times down of how long it takes me to do everything. That way if someone bitches again, I'll just shove a piece of paper in their face. My other solution might get me fired, so I don't want to do that.

Anyway, I'm making a vow to just continue to ignore it and continue to tell my supervisor when something gets said that is out of line.

I have 2 days left before my long weekend, so I know I can stick it out.

Till next time.

1 comment:

  1. High school never really ends, unfortunately. It doesn't matter where you go you'll always have it.

    As for your birthday, there's nothing wrong with getting old. I know I bitch about it all the time but really it doesn't bother me. Age is all relative. What's important is the people in your life.
