Friday, April 10, 2009

Blog Number 5

So this blog is going to be a bitch blog. All my blogs (save the first one) have been about the basement and our renos, and now I'm moving on.

We don't have a landline, just our cell phones. We don't get enough calls nor do we have the need to have a landline, even though I do want one because now that we're in the basement we don't get the best service (well Todd gets next to no service) and we all know how much I hate my phone because of the fact that I dropped it in the toilet.

So in saying that, since it IS a cell phone, not many people have my number, friends and family, work (unfortunately), my insurnace company and maybe a couple other bill people (maybe). I'm not an idiot and think that I'll never get a wrong number. It happens to people all the time, me included. BUT I have voicemail, my name is in my voicemail and I still have people (one person inparticular right now) calling me and leaving messages that make NO sense.

Now, if this had happened once, then ok fine I just chalk it up as a mistake and move on with my life, I erase the message and move on, it's completely forgotten and all is right in the world again. UNTIL this moring, on the one day we get to sleep my cell rings at 8:45 am (which I know isn't early for a lot of people) and its the same OLD MAN who is calling again. Of course again he leaves a message and now he sounds angry and crotchety and again I can't understand what he is saying except 'call me.' Yea right. I have NO idea who this crazy fool is and there is no way I'm going to waste my minutes and be charged long distance charges so that I can tell you that you have the wrong number and to stop calling me.

Like I said earlier, it had been one call before and I just erased the message and forgot about it, but this is the second one, which I will more than likely forget about as well, but if he calls again I guess I'm going to have to do something about it. Everyone who knows me knows that I don't answer my phone if I don't know the number (and if you didn't know that, then you do now), so me not answering the phone when this crazy old man calls is not uncommon.

The thing that bothers me the most is that I'm fairly certain (like 99% sure) that he has the wrong number and the thing that kills me is that MY NAME is in my voicemail, so if he had an ounce of common sense he would know that he has the wrong number. Do people not listen to voicemail messages anymore? Do they just dial a number and once it stops ringing and the voicemail message kicks in they hold the phone away from their ear and wait for the beep?

And if people do this now, then what's the point of even having a voicemail message? Why not just have it ring and then after a certain amount of rings, just have a been sound and the crazy fool can leave a message. Then you, as the phone's owner can decide if it's a message you should reply to it or not.

Now, I've spent entirely too much time thinking about this stupidity and in saying that, I am done.

Till next time.


  1. I had some girl keep calling me. She thought I was someone else and kept calling me a liar when I tried to correct her. It took about a week before she stopped calling which is good because I was about to start playing along and be a complete ass so if she ever did see the guy she thought I was she would slap him.

  2. Well the dude has only called twice, and there was at least a week between the two calls. But today after listening to the message AGAIN, he is looking for Janette (I think) so the next time he calls (if he calls again) I'm going to tell him he has the wrong number.
