Sunday, March 22, 2009

The beginning

Ok, so I'm starting a blog.

Can't promise that it'll be interesting or that it will be full of wisdom, but I can promise that it will be honest. I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while, and there's no time like the present right?

So I guess I say a little about myself and what's going on in my life right now. I'm 25 (26 in June), Todd and I have been dating for a year and a half and he's awesome. We just moved back into my parents place to save some money so we can get a house in a year or two.

What else can I say. My first day of work after 2 months off is tomorrow. I don't go to my actual store until April, but I get to do three weeks of training before that. I'm excited and happy but I'm also not looking forward to it at the same time.

Since we just moved into my parents place, we're fixing up the basement to make it livable, and I had planned on using the time before I go to the new store to paint, decorate and move all the stuff in and make it livable. Now it will probably take a little longer than anticipated.

There is so much work to do down there, so I'm sure most of my blogs for the next month will be about the basement and the progress that we've made. Our goal is to have the living room done and read to move furniture in by the end of the week. I think we can do it. I'm hoping to get at least the ceiling and the primer done tonight and then paint the base colour tomorrow.

I'll post pictures as time goes on, so you can see how far we actually have come, and how much work we've done.

Well that is all for now I suppose, if you do read this, I promise that I'll try and make it as interesting as I can.

Till next time.

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