Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blog Number 2

So finally have my computer back. Had to send it to Dell to get another motherboard. This is the second time I've sent it to them for a motherboard is less than a year. You would think that if there was something wrong with all the motherboards this put in this model, they would send you a letter or something. Car companies do it, why can't Dell?

So, I never realized how much I would miss my computer. Just for the little things, like if I want to look something up, it's not as easy without my computer. So all in all, I'm glad it's back, even if it took a day longer then they promised me it would.

What else is going on. I started working again this week. Man, I am out of sync with the whole working thing. It's now, what Thursday? And I'm just starting to not dread the last hour. I'm enjoying being back at work, and I like that I'm actually learning new stuff instead of doing the stuff I had been doing when I was there before. There is at least one new thing a day, which is good.

I have to say I'm glad I'm going to a new store and not just coming back to this one. It's not that this one has gone down hill, because it hasn't AT ALL. It's just that so many things have changed - maybe for the better, maybe not - that I don't think I would be able to function. Thankfully at a new store, it's a fresh start and I can do things the way I know how and since most of the people I'll be working with are new to the company, I won't have people telling me to do it their way.

Moving on to the basement renovations. Things are moving pretty smoothly now. Todd finished all the patching and sanding. We primed the walls and we have the first coat of the grey on 3 walls (the 4th wall is going to be green). I was a bit worried about the colour when we first started because it was a little too taupey for me, but once it dried it was looking more like the colour that I had picked.

Once we are done, I plan on posting a blog with the progress, but right now the pictures are all on facebook. But we are hopefully (keep your fingers crossed) we'll be all moved in by the end of the weekend. The other two rooms probably won't be painted until around Easter when I have 4 days off so I can do it in a day or two.

I can't wait till it's all finished!! It's going to look so nice.

Till next time.

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