Monday, March 30, 2009

Blog Number 3

As you can see, I'm about as non creative with blog titles as one can get. I know that titles can make or break the book, paper, article or blog in this case, but I've never been good with titles, so I'm just going to continues on my numbering titles.

So we are FINALLY almost done the renos for the living room. All that is left is the baseboards, ceiling and moving in all the furniture. Todd says we'll have it all done by the weekend. I don't think that it won't, but we are both being kind of lazy when it comes to the final touches. But that being said, it looks AWESOME. I'm so impressed with our progress, because honestly, when we first go there and saw all the work we had ahead of us, I was a little wary that we'd ever get it looking livable. But we have.

The only issue that I'm having is the floor. I'm not buying flooring and installing it because 1) it's going to be too expensive 2) we don't have the time and 3) I'd rather just get a big area rug so that I can take it with me when we move. But the problem with that is, that rugs are too damn expensive. Anyway the above picture is before the renos (the wall with the biggest hole) and the following picture is the newest picture I've taken of the room. Once the ceiling and baseboards are done, I'm going to take a few pictures before we put the furniture in and then again once the room is completely finished, with all the furniture in it and with it looking like home.

Now if only this was the last thing we had to do, but nope, we still have two more rooms. The bedroom will be fine, it just needs a bit of TLC and a fresh coat of paint. But the middle room is going to be hell. There is so much shit (that isn't ours) that needs to be cleared out. Not looking forward to that. But at least the walls are in decent shape so that won't be too hard to fix.

Well all I can really say, is that I can't wait till it's all done and it actually feels like our own
apartment, and not just a basement. I think it's going to look really good once everything is done. Maybe I should become an interior decorator. Or, maybe not.

1 comment:

  1. Hey things are looking great. and as for the rugs check walmart they have area rugs for $40.
